Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Children Of Divorced Parents Essay

The idea that children of divorced parents would be the ones who would suffer, was seen as conservative thinking and many scoffed at this notion in the 1970?s. What child would want to be part of a family that constantly fought? With the accepted idea of couples counselling a few years away many saw divorce as their only option. Because of this attitude, today there are fewer and fewer people under the age of 30 who are getting married than at any other time in history. The mistakes of the past generation are well documented and most people have a rudimentary knowledge of what divorce does to people. If not from first hand experiences than from witnessing aunt’s, uncles or cousins endure though a divorce. This has made an impact on many young people and has made them a bit wary about the institution. Their apprehension can be attributed to the rising number of people that divorced in the 1970?s and the effect it had on the attitude of their children towards marriage in the 199 0?s. The Divorce Act of 1968 [a law that allowed couples to divorce because of cruelty, adultery or if they have been living apart for three years] was seen by many people living in the 1970?s as a second chance for happiness, consequently the divorce rate nearly tripled. By 1970 the divorce rate stood at nearly 150 divorces per 100,000 persons, up from 55 divorces per 100,000 persons in 1965 (Canadian Dept of Justice). In 1985 when the Divorce Act was amended there was a spike of 25% in the divorce rate [see appendix 1]. Many people were waiting to for the changes the Canadian government was going to make to the Divorce Act. After the changes became law many people who had been waiting to officially divorce now could after only one year (Cameron 1). This spike can then be directly attributed to the amendments. By comparison the divorce rate today stands at 240 divorces per 100,000 persons and although this is a much higher number than in 1970 the divorce rate has been dropping steadily for the past 5 years, [with the exception of 1998 when it rose slightly (2.5%) over the previous year] (Canadian Dept of Justice). The wide spread belief of the early 1970?s was that children in an unhappy home would suffer and that staying in a marriage where the parental unit was always arguing and fighting a lot was not fair to the children. This led some people to walk away from their marriages at the first sign of trouble because they believed it was in the best interest for their  children. A happy mother and father, even if they were not living under the same roof was suppose to be better than a parental unit that was fighting, and there was a lot of heated debates going on in the 1970?s. Not only was the no fault Divorce Act of 1968 a new idea, but a couple of revolutions were also going on at this time as well. The sexual revolution, (with the invention of the birth control pill) and the gender revolution, (which was a struggle for equal rights for women as well as gays and lesbians) both these revolutions helped educate women and helped bond women together to issues that concerned women. But many of these ideas were far from the so-called accepted social norm of the time. Many couples could not deal with all the new changes that were going on and so a lot of couples divorced. â€Å"If divorce could make one or both parents happier, then it was likely to improve the well-being of children as well† explains American social historian Barbara Dafoe Whitehead in her book, The Divorce Culture (Driedger 1). If anyone needed a place to go to see just how fulfilling life could be outside of wedlock all they had to do was to turn on their television sets. The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Mary and Rhoda were full of single female role models, all having careers. The infamous line in the theme song of The Mary Tyler Moore Show â€Å"You?re going to make it after all†, seemed to sum up the mood of women in the 1970?s (Cameron 2). Now, the children of this generation are grown up and a very significant percentage of them are not thinking about marriage. The 1996 Census report shows just how wary young people today are about this formal institution; 67 percent of men age 25-29 have never been married compared to 35 percent in 1951 (Cameron 13). And it is not just men who are steering clear of marriage, 51 percent of women age 25-29 have not walked down the isle, where as only 21 percent of women in 1951 did not. It would seem that there are more important matters in the lives of today?s youth that are taking them away from marriage. An article written in MacLean?s magazine in May of 2000 entitled I am Single, asked a number of Canadians about being single and what their attitude is towards marriage. Christine Ryan, 22, is a first year human relations  student at Montreal?s Concordia University and has worked as a counsellor for low-income adults. She admits that she would love to, â€Å"have kids, live in a two-income household and raise [her] children with the love and affection of a mother and a father, [but] she really doubts that scenario is possible because she has seen too much infidelity, unhappiness and divorce among friends, family and through her previous job as a counsellor? (Cameron 14). Right now she is focusing on acquiring a career and then raising children by herself. † I think marriage is a fantasy, I think being able to live with someone for 50 years and not want to be with someone else along the way is a big myth† states Ryan. Another article that was published in the Toronto Star in October of 2000 it also explored this issue. In this article Marco Moniz, age 23, a musician and forklift operator was interviewed. † He says he has no desire to get married, especially since he doesn?t yet trust his intuition to choose the right women; I?m not sure being in love always measures up to a good marriage, because sometimes being in love might not be understood truly†. He also states; † Before I get married in any traditional fashion, I?d have to already be married in my heart.† (Royce-Roll) Marco and Christine are not alone with this attitude; the percentage of one-person households in Canada in 1996 was at 24.2 percent. This number has nearly doubled since 1971 when it was 13.4 percent. (Canadian Dept of Justice) Young women have learned from watching their mothers who went through a divorce and suffered financial hardships and are now making sure that they have a good job before even considering marriage. Some additional evidence for this argument is in the amount of women who are registering for university today. [See appendix 2] Compared to 1976 the amount of women enrolled in a Canadian university in 1998 has nearly doubled, up from 19,000 to 35,000 (E-STAT). York University professor Harold Minden predicts that the divorce rate for Generation X will climb to 60 or 70 per cent because, â€Å"Children havent  learned anything positive†. (Royce-Roll) Research done by Ed Spruijt and Martijn Goede, two sociology researchers in the Netherlands seem to support Harold Minden?s prediction. Ed Spruijt and Martijn Goede followed a total of 3,525 different households and analyzed data they collected from 2,517 youths aged 15 to 24. These households had a variety of family structures, single parent, step families and the traditional family unit. The results concerning single parent families were a bit shocking. â€Å"Youngsters from single-parent families and step families have more experience in the breaking up of relationships (or love pangs) than do others; in particular, they have more experience than do youngsters from stable families. With regards to relational problems, there is a significant difference in the indicators of relational well being only between the youngsters from single parent families and all the other youngsters. Youngsters from single-parent families report more conflicts with their partners (thinking of splitting up) and have more divorce experience of their own, as compared with youngsters from the other family types. Many children have grown up with out adults to model a happy marriage for them or even a marriage for them so they don?t have the skills they need to form a healthy and happy long-term relationship.’ (Goede 9) What is said here is simple, children need to witness their parents in a loving long term relationship if the children are to have a chance at developing a long term relationship of there own. ?In terms of having their own relationships, children of divorced parents, do not have a template with which to gauge their choices† (Kinsella 2). Today the mainstream opinion is that love and marriage do not necessarily go hand in hand. With the invention of the birth control pill ideas about premarital sex were altered and with the inception of Canada?s Divorce Act the phrase,† till death us do part†, has little if any meaning to a lot of people. Divorced parents have shown their children that if things get too tough they could just walk away! But young people today are looking at their parents’ relationships and at the relationships they see portrayed on television. They are wondering, what works? They are looking to their parents for advice and they have little to offer to help their children  build a long lasting bond with another human being. It seems that every couple of months there is an article in a magazine or newspaper, or a television expose’ on the effects that divorce has had on children and no one today wants to be responsible for causing any children harm. The actions of the past generation has portrayed a negative view on how a lot of people behave towards marriage, but it seems that the positive side to this situation is that this generation is better informed and wiser. The lessons of the past seem to have been learned, and not everyone is in a hurry to make the same mistakes. Symbolic interactionalist would look at the labels people are ascribed with and look at the change in attitude and relationship changes that are due to these ascribed labels. Divorce was once a very taboo subject even to talk about. People who had the misfortune of being divorced were label as an â€Å"divorce'†. With the Divorce Act of 1968 and the subsequent rise in divorces, attitudes changed and so to did the label. Divorce became a symbol of freedom, and of a second chance at happiness. Now it seems to me that divorce means financial and emotional instability. The emotional damage that children suffer when their parents divorce is well documented, and many labels have been created to describe these children. From the broken home children to the hero children and everything in between. The focus of couples who are divorcing has shifted from the couples to the children of that union. The culture that divorce created has shown children who grew up immersed in this environment [particularly women who’s parents divorced] that financial independence is very important. It is a safe guard against poverty in the case that a women finds herself separated or divorced and in need of housing, clothing, food etc. Witnessing what their mother’s went through or friends mother endured after a divorce has taught many women to seek out careers that will enable hem to have security rather than relying on a man to provide for them. Financial independence today means post-secondary education and that means a lot of time spent in school. This time spent in school pushes back the age in which young women choose to get married as is seen in the statistics provided in paragraph five. Although not all history lessons have been learned yet. Relationships require listening skills, time management, mutual respect and a commitment not only to one another but to a future together. The relationships children of divorced parents develop often fail because the skills necessary to achieved and maintain relationships were never modeled for them. The skills needed to nurture a relationship to maturity aren?t learned. The children repeat the same mistakes and divorce more often than children who grow up in a two parent family because the children only know the model of divorce. Although this model is dysfunctional, to the children of divorce it can become their accepted method of dealing with marital problems. What everyone failed to see in the 1970’s is that for children, divorce is an accumulative process. It is not just a shot to the psyche that will get better in time; there are skills that children learn from a parental unit that cannot be learned by just having one parent around. Twenty-five years later, countless surveys, opinion polls, research and a lot of public money later it has been shown that the attitude of the 1970?s was misguided. The stress on children in a family break-up was longer lasting than first anticipated and has had repercussions on the generation now at an age to start lives of their own. BIBLIOGRAPHY Canadian Dept of Justice. Statistics Canada. â€Å"Selected statistics on Canadian families and law.† Ottawa. 1997. Cameron, Chan, Demont and McClelland,. â€Å"I am single.† Maclean’s. May 8, 2000. Driedger, Sharon Doyle. â€Å"Canada: Children of divorced parents.† Maclean’s. Apr, 20, 1998. Vol. 111, Issue 16, p38. Kinsella, Bridget. â€Å"Parents Split; Kids Can?t Commit† Publisher Weekly. Aug 14, 2000. Vol. 247, Issue 33, p201-202. O’Neil, Terry. â€Å"Unhappily ever after: a new 25 year study destroys the myth that children really bounce back from divorce.† Report Magazine. Oct 9, 2000. Vol. 27, p52-52. Royce-Roll, Heather. â€Å"The negative spin-off of split-ups.† The Toronto Star. Oct 28, 2000. Goede, Ed and Martijn de Goede. â€Å"Transitions in family structure and adolescent well-being†. eLibrary PLUS. 1997. Witchel, Riobert I. Dealing with Students from Dysfunctional Families. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass INC, 1991.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Integumentary System Case Study

Suntans and Sunburns A Case Study in the Integumentary System By WH Cliff and AW Wright A Painful Winter Break On the first day after arriving in Australia for Christmas vacation, a University of Niagara student plays out in the sun for six hours. Later that night he notices that the skin on his trunk, legs and arms becomes red, swollen and extremely painful. By morning all of the afflicted areas have developed numerous blisters. These areas cover about 30% of the trunk (front and back) and 40% of the arms and legs. 1. What organ has been damaged?  ·The Integuemtary System (skin) has been damaged. 2. What general types of tissue have been afflicted?  ·Stratified squamous epithelium in the epidermis, areolar connective tissue, and some dense irregular connective tissue in the dermis have been afllicted 3. What type of burn has the student received? Explain.  ·He has received burns in the 2nd degree which are accompanied by blisters and pain. 4. What type of radiation has caused the burn?  ·Ultraviloet radition (UVA) specifically UBA and UBV. 5. List ALL the layers of the skin that have been damaged?  ·Epidermis: stratum corneum, stratum granulosum, stratum spinosum, and stratum basale.  ·Dermis (upper region): papillary layer . List ALL layers that have been killed?  ·None of the layers have been killed, just damaged in the second degree. 7. What tissue repair process causes the blistering?  ·Tissue regeneration which is the process in which liquid builds up between the epidermis and the dermis layer causing them to separate. 8. Why is this type of burn so painful?  ·Due to the damage of the epidermis many nerve endings in the dermis have been exposed which cause pain. A burn is considered critical and should receive prompt medical attention if: > 25% of the body is covered by 2nd degree burns or > 10% of the body is covered by 3rd degree burns 9. What percentage of the total body surface has been burned? Show your calculations!  ·(36% x 30%)= 11%  ·(36% x 40%)= 14%  ·(18% x 40%)= 7%  ·(11% + 14% + 7%)= 32%; #2% of the body’s surface has been burned. 10. Is the burn critical? Should the student seek medical attention?  ·Yes he should seek medical attention to avoid developing any infections in the lacerations, as well as to receive meds to assist with the pain. 11. List all of the body functions that may be disrupted by such a burn.  ·Integumentary  ·Nervous  ·Lymphatic  ·Muscular Recovery 12. After a few days the skin peels and the burned areas begin to heal. The student notices that the healing areas are more susceptible to injuries due to chafing or trauma. What has happened to the skin that would cause this increased susceptibility?  ·The barrier function has been altered so the skin is more susceptibile to trauma and damage. During the next week after the student returns to the States, his friend tells him that a sunburn prepares his skin for a deep tan. His friend encourages him to quickly begin tanning sessions at a local tanning salon before the effects of the burn wear off. 13. What would you advise him to do? Why? I would advise him not go and to avoid long periods of exposure to sun and other radiation devices. 14. Is a deep tan a sign of skin that is healthy or severely stressed? Explain your answer.  ·A deep tan is a sign of severely stressed skin. When skin is exposed to UV rays, cells called melaoncytes produce brown pigment melanin, which darkens skin the cells of the epidermis. The darkening of the skin cells is the skin natural defense mechanism against further damage for UV radiation. Unrepaired damage like so can lead to an increase risk of developing skin cancer and other skin problems like photoaging-wrinkles, sagging skin, and sun spots.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Put the best topic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Put the best topic - Assignment Example Heroism is not recognized in leadership but everything that is done in leadership is through the assumption that one matters in all aspects. Role models in leadership are mostly family members from where one comes from. Entertainers are considered to be role models in leadership (Law and Ian, 301). Leadership is not inborn but can be learned. It is learned from observable practices, skills and behaviors. The learned are the reasonable skills and abilities. Skills and abilities that are learned can be strengthened and enhanced through motivation and desire that one has. John Cedel develops his leadership talents through observation of what was happening in the environment. He was keen on the other leaders, their strengths and their weaknesses. Once one is a leader, they learn to be better that what they are (Law and Ian, 106). Learning about leadership is not for everyone but for those who master it and considered having a strong desire to excel and belief that skills and abilities ca n be learned and enhanced. Leaders can be good but there is consideration that best leaders are the best learners. A good leader is that person who never stops learning. Experiences, both good and bad should be used to enhance leadership. Those that are learned about leadership should be put in practice. Becoming a leader is not for the sake of an individual but for the sake of everyone in an organization. High IQ does not make performance of a leader better. Those that are brilliant only have the average intelligence without practicing. John Cedel after becoming a leader does not stop learning about leadership skills that are needed in the organization. Skills that he learns make him effectively manage workers in the organization. Having a passion to learning is what makes a leader have good performance (Law and Ian, 205). The passion exposes one to honestly examine how the leader and the others perform. It is through the belief

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Branding - Essay Example The idea that you are what you buy - that possessions confer status - has long existed and guided some purchasing, as most notably observed by Thorstein Veblen (1899). However, as status became associated with specific brands, the next step historically became the marketing of brand imitations.The act of branding can be traced back to the early 1800's when cowboys would brand their cattle before driving them across the central plains of the United States (Rozin 2002). In order to identify which cattle belonged to each ranch a unique symbol was permanently burned onto the cow. These symbols, in addition to serving as a means of identification, provided a set of traditions and a social identity for the cowboys.Today, companies use brands to distinguish themselves from their competition and to communicate unique qualities of their products (Aaker and Keller 1990; Low and Fullerton 1994). Once a brand is established, the brand name itself is thought to add value to the product in the min ds of consumers. This added value is referred to as brand equity (Aaker 1991). Companies and designers often employ marketing strategies that capitalize on their brand equity and place a greater value on the shapes and labels of their products than the material from which they are made. Such companies provide buyers with what are conventionally called elite brands, defined by Silverstein and Fiske (2003) as those brands that possess higher levels of quality, taste and aspiration than other brands in the product category. These products are often justifiably priced higher than other brands in order to make their brand seem exclusive and more prestigious. For example, elite designers are able to transform a 10 pound t-shirt into a $200 sought after treasure (Chatpaiboon 2004). Recently, Hermes reported that customers were placed on a two-year waiting list for their most popular Birkin bag, which retails for $6000 (Branch 2004). On EBay, women engaged in bidding wars over a blue Birkin bag for which the winner ultimately paid over $13,000 (Rose 2003). Many manufacturers have been successful in commanding a price premium for their brands. However, it seems that some designers and manufacturers have become victims of their own success. Once an elite brand has become so closely associated with status and prestige in the minds of consumers, it is only natural that other companies would want to imitate it (Rose 2003). Those who use brand imitating as a strategy to facilitate the adoption of their new product copy certain characteristics of the original brand (Kotler and Keller 2007). Previous research has shown that consumers often use their existing perceptions of a brand to evaluate new offerings such a product or line extensions (Aaker and Keller 1990). Because it appears similar to the original brand, consumers will then transfer attributes of the original

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Why do we study the classical theorists Of what use are such concepts Essay - 1

Why do we study the classical theorists Of what use are such concepts as Clausewitzs trinity - Essay Example Their findings have enabled us to understand some concepts faster as opposed to if we were to start from square one. Generally, the works of classical theorists help us take in and process an otherwise a large quantity of knowledge (Ritzer 2003). Concepts such as Clausewitz’s concept of a trinity have proved to be very useful to both theorists and practitioners. The concept has helped students to focus on critical aspect of life that could have been obscured with the experiences of the world that keep on changing. The Clausewitz’s concept of a trinity is an interactive set of three elements which drive the events taking place in a war in the real world. The three elements or forces include people, government and armed forces. Clausewitz’s concept of a trinity has greatly influenced the current strategic theories and policies of war. The concept has familiarized students of military art with the events of war. The theory has stood the test of time and is still being applied in war situations today (New 1996). New, Col Larry D. "Clausewitz’s Theory: on War and Its Application Today." Airpower Journal , 1996. HYPERLINK ""

Management appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management appreciation - Essay Example Is a forecasting tool that is used to comprehend the Strengths of a particular organization its Weaknesses, Opportunities, and involved Threats (BHC 1999). It includes identifying the objective of that particular business or organization and specifying the internal and external aspects that are supportive or unfavorable towards achieving that objective. SWOT is also used during the process of strategic planning. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats make up the acronym SWOT (Austrainer 1999). The SWOT Matrix Model at first sight this might look like a simple and easy model to apply, but to do an effective and meaningful SWOT analysis, one requires time and a significant input and requires teamwork since it cannot be done by just one person effectively (PMI- Plus, Minus, Interesting 1999). The decisions of managers of any business are affected by various macro environmental factors. PESTEL analysis describes suitable framework of these factors to be used in the environmental scanning section of strategic management (Havergal & Edmonstone 1999). PESTEL is an acronym for political, economic, social, technological, and legal analysis. These factors can be categorized into: Political factors, economic factors, Social factors, technological factors, environmental factors and legal factors: An executive assistant is the epicenter of a number of managerial duties that fall under the senior management executives. His/her duties include managing a wide range of administrative tasks such as; scheduling, prioritizing of tasks, representative of the executive, executes the executive’s instructions among others (Parkinson 1993). SWOT and PESTEL techniques help the executive assistant to come up with useful procedure for evaluating the environmental forces on the team or an organization (Boone & Kurtz 1992). It also helps in researching information for future predictions revolving

Friday, July 26, 2019

OOS-Deviation assignment detecting the presence of diethylene glycol Essay

OOS-Deviation assignment detecting the presence of diethylene glycol in toothpaste by thin layer chromotography - Essay Example Additionally, for detection purposes, you will require 6.7 mg/mL of developing the solvent of Potassium Permanganate Staining Solution. Centrifuge tube of 50mL polypropylene to sample a preparation of toothpaste with a weight of around 1.0g. To disperse the toothpaste, add 5mL of water and vortex for around 1 minute. Next is the addition of 5mL of acetonitrile to the mixture followed by vortex about 1 minute. Prior to collecting around 1mL of the supernatant, centrifuge the mixture until you obtain a crystal-clear solution. Make use of the 1.5mL micro test tubes by transferring 500L of the supernatant to it then add 1.0mL of methanol. Dilute 0.2mL of DEG to 0.5mL using methanol in order to achieve the standard reference preparation (Ahuja & Scypinski, 2011). Spread the 5L diluted test solution and the reference standard solution on a sheet and leave it to dry. To get commendable results, use chromatographic procedure spot. The next step is to put the sheet in a developing tank that has been prepared by balancing 100mL of developing a solvent for about 30minutes. Remove the solvent and permit it to dry in the air immediately the developing solution reaches the stopping line. When you submerge the dried sheet in potassium permanganate solution and then remove the sheet after around 5 seconds, yellows spots will start to appear on the background as the sheet begins to dry. The last spot to appear is DEG. The reading of DEG varies from 0.40%, 0.41% and 0.44% for OOS results and between 0.005% and 0.015% for OOS deviation. According Ahuja and Scypinski (2011), after the examination of the OOS results, the procedures on the discovery and occurrences of the OOS are

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Voices of wisdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Voices of wisdom - Essay Example There are many ways in which law can be unjust. It can prohibit conduct, which should be allowed. It can allow the conduct that must be allowed. It may be applied or enforced unfairly. Examples of unjust law are discussed in detail as hereunder. The chapter seven of the United States’ constitution allows the government to sanction racial discrimination. A person cannot attempt to defend the allegation, if the defense is required, that racial discrimination is not just. The selection of racial discrimination laws as practically unjust refers to the related experiences common law countries, for instance, when the indigenous populations are treated with respect to legalized racial discrimination and slavery subjugation. In addition, some laws also attempt to undermine some institution position of common law courts. For instance, chapters eight and nine of the constitution, examine various examples of this law. Many judges responded to these laws and failed to permit the integrity of their courts be handled in this manner. In these discussions, some basic common laws, which operate by, judicial decisions to maintain the relationship of the constitution on government organs? Furthermore, justice and law can be two different concepts. The latter must contain the basic support of the previous. When this does not happen, many people feel the need to go against the legal structure, resulting in a lack of faithfulness in all laws. One of the examples could be the time when people rebel against legal rights, which have moved against a greater sense of justice, for instance, the social institution against discriminatory laws in America (Garry, 2000). Some laws are unjust to extent that is justifiable to disobey them and even to go against the government, which established them. This shows how the America came in being. There are many examples of unjust laws seen in the text. Many Americans took the assumption of imperfect laws as they were established in the constit ution. This implied that the wrong had trumped what was right. Indeed, many argue that with no notion of good law used to fight evil laws, as many people know that it would never evolve. It is the duty of the free men and women to rise and fight the unjust laws since the imperfect laws attack the people’s liberty. First, the declaration and the United States constitution protect life, property and liberty. Yet many people believe that this is the serious threat to all these. This decision is lawless. Extremely lawless! This is because many lawyers who were in black robes of which one was purported to be conservative. These men used to issue improper decisions. This made the people to be stunned. Currently, the Supreme Court, the ruling institution made to protect the people from the tyranny decided to follow the constitution made. The court claimed to protect the peoples’ rights, but it was unjust to the people. This made the people work hard so as to elect a new presi dent. Many famous legal expositors stated clearly and explicitly that imperfect law is not binding to consider. Many laws are contrary to human good and they are not to all. This implies that if a law is not applied to all, then this is unjust. All people should be equal before the law and, therefore, not discriminated. The unjust laws force many judges to choose between

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Anthropology of Power And Resistance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Anthropology of Power And Resistance - Essay Example For the understanding of anthropology of power, first we have to understand what power is, how it is constituted, and how it works within an allegedly postmodern world in which older rules of authority seem to have decreasing relevance'. The impacts of policy interventions and opportunities at state, supra-state and extra-state levels for example, on the ways in which people evade or ignore the reach of the state in constructing economic power beyond state control; the opportunities for and constraints on ethnic, gender and other group or categorical empowerment offered by institutions such as United Nations agencies and forums, multinational Non-Governmental Organizations, the European Union, the International Court of Justice, the Internet and the global media, among many others; the possibilities for empowerment by manipulating the interstices between local, regional and central levels of state bureaucratic organization; and issues of 'management'". Foucault's conceptualization of power is "individuals are always in the position of simultaneously undergoing and exercising this power. They are not only its inert or consenting target; they are always also the elements of its articulation the vehicles of power, not its points of application. (Foucault, M. (1980) Power/Knowledge, (ed.) C. Gordon. New York: Harvester/ Wheatsheaf). There is also a hint here of that contemporary usage of 'empowerment' which implies the drive by individuals, singly or in combination, to get what they want. But such an approach helps us to understand how socially equal individuals (academic colleagues, for example) can exercise power over others and for themselves and get what they want when they want it merely by ignoring the normal rules of polite social interaction. There are specific circumstances in which the anthropologist is obliged by the dynamics of the public policy process to adopt a more radical position, of the kind associated with a unilocal, univocal and unifocal form of ethnography, where the goal of 'political anthropology' is to achieve a transfer of power from the 'system' to the 'community'. For this reason, it is necessary for the discipline to develop something akin to a 'code of practice', whereby the necessity or desirability of movements between the radical and the moderate position can also be negotiated, within particular political settings, in order to avoid a breakdown in the dialogue which constitutes the discipline itself. A 'political setting' is defined here as something which is necessarily larger than a single 'community', which may be equivalent to a single jurisdiction (or nation-state), but which will normally also have some sectoral component-e.g. 'health', 'conservation', 'mining', etc On the other hand currently disempowered people subvert dominating structures and relationships and come some way towards achieving their goals precisely by not voicing their resistance to hegemonic power openly, but by exercising some other capacity or resource. Patterns of domination can accommodate resistance so long as it is not publicly and unambiguously acknowledged voice under domination includes rumor, gossip, disguises, linguistic

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Environmental Science Lab Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Environmental Science Lab - Essay Example ts saw replacement with by CFLs, water conservation fixtures replaced outdated technology, interface recycled-content carpeting was used throughout the building, and modern solar array was put on the roof. Truly, all these were geared towards reducing the building’s impact on the environment. Secondly, before the opening of the centre, a HVAC system was installed, which is a combination of an electric resistance heat and the old and air conditioning system. Windows have poor thermal qualities and a plan is underway for completion of an integrated design via renovation. Other buildings can emulate Alliance centre, whereby they cater for environment in designing of buildings. An architect’s decision to put CFLs, water conservation fixtures, recyclable carpeting, and windows of thermal qualities would take care of the environment. A decision to renovate rather than demolish existing buildings would be friendly to the environment. Additionally, if a demolition must be done, recycling of materials is necessary for a sustainable environment. Alliance for Sustainable Colorado. â€Å"Advancing Sustainability through Collaboration: Designing the Future† 2012.Web 2 March 2012. Natural gas is the cleanest-burning conventional fuel, producing lower levels of greenhouse gas emissions than heavier hydrocarbon fuels such as coal and oil. Energy has many uses like transportation, cooking, lighting, and turning engines. Efficiency, affordability, and environmental conservation are some of the factors we consider in analyzing a good source of energy. My main source of energy is the natural gas. Natural gas comes from Denver Colorado. Since its establishment in 1997, the Colorado Natural Gas, Inc. provides natural gas services for commercial and residential customers with an aim of promoting efficient use of affordable and environmental friendly natural gas. Denver has been in the frontline in solar

Monday, July 22, 2019

Negligence Definition Essay Example for Free

Negligence Definition Essay A failure to behave with the level of care that someone of ordinary prudence would have exercised under the same circumstances. The behavior usually consists of actions, but can also consist of omissions when there is some duty to act (e.g., a duty to help victims of ones previous conduct). OVERVIEW Primary factors to consider in ascertaining whether the persons conduct lacks reasonable care are the foreseeable likelihood that the persons conduct will result in harm, the foreseeable severity of harm that may ensue, and the burden of precautions to eliminate or reduce the risk of harm. See Restatement (Third) of Torts: Liability for Physical Harm  § 3 (P.F.D. No. 1, 2005). Negligent conduct may consist of either an act, or an omission to act when there is a duty to do so. See Restatement (Second) of Torts  § 282 (1965). Five elements are required to establish a prima facie case of negligence: the existence of a legal duty to exercise reasonable care; a failure to exercise reasonable care; cause in fact of physical harm by the negligent conduct; physical harm in the form of actual damages; and proximate cause, a showing that the harm is within the scope of liability. Negligence is an actionable tort. This means that if one persons carelessness causes another personal injury, the injured party may sue to recover damages (money) for his or her injuries. The idea that a person can sue for negligence is a relatively new phenomenon, only about a century old. The reason for negligences late recognition is because common law traditionally recognized only intentional torts; that is, it held parties responsible for injuries that were the result of intentional acts. It was irrelevant that the actor did not intend to injure anyone, much less the injured party, but it only needed to be shown that the actor intended the action that caused the injury. In these cases, evidence of who caused what injury was affirmative, direct, and fairly objective. The concept of permitting someone to recover damages for injuries caused by someones lack of action or failure to do something was a revolutionary concept. Since its recognition as an action in tort, negligence has become a major source of very large jury awards. It is the root of all product liability cases. When  people complain about our legal system and the outrageous verdicts being awarded nowadays, they are speaking about negligence. Originally, negligence was recognized by the courts as part of the common law. Over time, as causes of action became more numerous and as damages became larger, various efforts were undertaken to limit the appeal of negligence lawsuits. The doctrine of contributory negligence eventually evolved, in some states, into a system of comparative fault that permitted recovery on a completely relative scale. Thus, in an accident one could be 90 percent at fault for ones own personal injury and still sue to recover the 10 percent of the damages suffered that were caused by the other party.

Analytical Hierarchy Process Essay Example for Free

Analytical Hierarchy Process Essay Abstract The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) provides a structure on decision-making processes where there are a limited numbers of choices but each has a number of attributes. This paper explores the use of AHP for deciding on car purchase. In the context of shopping, it is important to include elements that provide attributes that make consumer decision making easier, comfortable and therefore, lead to a car purchase. As the car market becomes more competitive, there is a greater demand for innovation that provides better customer service and strategic competition in the business management. This paper presents a new methodological extension of the AHP by focusing on two issues. One combines pair wise comparison with a spreadsheet method using a 5-point rating scale. The other applies the group weight to a reciprocal consistency ratio. Three newly formed car models of midsize are used to show how the method allows choice to be prioritized and analyzed statistically. INTRODUCTION The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a structured technique for helping people deal with complex decisions. Rather than prescribing a correct decision, the AHP helps people to determine one. Based on mathematics and human psychology, it was developed by Thomas L. Saaty in the 1970s and has been extensively studied and refined since then. The AHP provides a comprehensive and rational framework for structuring a problem, for representing and quantifying its elements, for relating those elements to overall goals, and for evaluating alternative solutions. It is used throughout the world in a wide variety of decision situations, in fields such as government, business, industry, healthcare, and education. Users of the AHP first decompose their decision problem into a hierarchy of more easily comprehended sub-problems, each of which can be analyzed independently. The elements of the hierarchy can relate to any aspect of the decision problem. Once the hierarchy is built, the decision makers systematically evaluate its various elements, comparing them to one another in pairs. In making the comparisons, the decision makers can use concrete data about the elements, or they can use their judgments about the elements relative meaning and importance. It is the essence of the AHP that human judgments, and not just the underlying information, can be used in performing the evaluations. The AHP converts these evaluations to numerical values that can be processed and compared over the entire range of the problem. A numerical weight or priority is derived for each element of the hierarchy, allowing diverse and often incomm-ensurable elements to be compared to one another in a rational and consistent way. This capability distinguishes the AHP from other decision making techniques. In the final step of the process, numerical priorities are derived for each of the decision alternatives. Since these numbers represent the alternatives relative ability to achieve the decision goal, they allow a straightforward consideration of the various courses of action. EXPLANATION For instance let’s consider cars (an example) which touch the lives of hundreds of millions of people nearly everywhere on this planet on a daily basis. Other than a house, a car is perhaps the largest purchase that we make. With the average cost of a car well over US$ 15,000, choosing just the right one becomes a major decision. Buying a new car is regarded as a decision-making problem and a reflection of customer preference. Someone shops for a new car, he or she want to take a look at finances and options. The possible budget is then a constraint in the decision on which car to buy. Most people shopping for a new car rank safety high among their purchase considerations. Other important attributes include: fuel economy; comfort and convenience features; insurance information; specification and warranties and resale value. Constant changes in customer demands lead manufactures to produce new and improved designs. Automation of manufacturing technologies allows this. Recently the production life cycle has become shorter. For example, General Motors in the USA is leading the industry in developing ground-breaking technologies to improve the driving experience and to meet the changing needs and life styles of modern drivers. They are making efforts to lower the cost of the technology to a level that will make advanced cars an attractive purchase. As the automobile market becomes more competitive, the industry has no choice but to adopt innovation that brings better customer service. Many customers seek advice from car experts or friends when purchasing a car. In many cases, there are times when the price and special features do not match the budget. An appropriate decision-making method for selecting the best car is useful to both customers and producers. An analytic method not only reduces the dealers burden, but also may increase sales The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is an intuitively easy method for formulating and analyzing decisions .It was developed to solve a specific class of problems that involves prioritization of potential alternate solutions. This is achieved by evaluation of a set of criteria elements and sub-criteria elements through a series of pair wise comparisons. The AHP model depicted in this paper uses the following decision criteria: exterior, convenience, performance, safety, economic aspect, dealer, and warranty as well as 39 sub-criteria. For the implementation of the AHP, we considered the three midsize passenger car models as alternatives 2. EVALUATION CRITERIA The source for deriving the evaluation criteria candidate was: 1. A telephone interview with dealers who are part of companies that make the models. The manufacturing company with the highest market share considered graceful body styles and smart design of facilities related to safety to be most important. On the other hand, warranty on the car and the dealers strategies for marketing are regarded as important customer criteria; 2. The use of personal experiences recorded on an online bulletin board was corrected using the Internet; The AHP model shown consists of three levels. Exterior involves components and factors seen from the outside such as color, length and width, tyres, trunk, wheels, doors and headlamp styles. It includes the following sub-criteria: model, style, length, quality of interior decoration, number of available color types, and instrument cluster. Convenience is related to the design of the equipments for easy operation. It includes: inside width, ease of loading or unloading packages, convenience of operating instruments, modern fittings (such as electronic systems and a burglar alarm), forward visibility and quality of the audio system. Performance is related to the functioning of the car. It includes maximum torque, maximum speed, fuel tank capacity, braking ability, cornering ability, inside noises and traveling comforts. Safety is enhanced by a body designed to protect the drivers and passengers against collisions. The most important safety features are those that reduce the risk of death or serious injury. It includes: airbags, antilock braking system ABS, impact protection systems, trunk safety, seat belts, safety of the body and number of alarm facilities. Airbags provide total chest and face protection. The ABS allows drivers full steering control and shorter stopping distance in adverse situations. The economic aspect refers to the price and cost of a new car, or maintaining the car within budgets, etc. It includes: purchasing prices, fuel consumption per month, insurance costs and installment conditions, resale prices of used cars and optional equipment costs. The dealer criterion refers to personal characteristics and attitudes that lead the customer to make the purchasing decision. This criterion includes: visits or calls needed to persuade the customer to buy, the dealers attitude, the dealers expertise and belief in the dealers promises. The warranty criterion include: the number of service stations, ease of acquiring spare parts, customer satisfaction after services, and the average repair time for minor troubles. We mailed questionnaires to each of two groups. The first group was given a questionnaire that contained a pair wise comparison sheet. The members consisted of 13 managers who were serving in the sales department and who had experience exceeding 10 years (see Appendix A for this questionnaire). Respondents were domain experts who easily recognized their own sales products and have valuable knowledge about the customer requirements and preferences. Twenty-two potential customers with experience over 7 years were in the second group (see Appendix B). They answered about their satisfaction with their current car. 3. Implementation and ranking A procedure of prioritizing each car model is shown in Table 1 shows the C.R. for each individual, where the circle represents meaningful C.R. Using Expert Choice, we obtained the synthesized priorities of the main criteria and sub-criteria. The reason that the groups weight is 1/C.R. is to assign higher weights for higher consistent persons. As a result, safety gains are the highest priority in the main criteria. The body safety is especially important. The synthesized priorities and ranks resulted in Table 2 (Case-II). The priorities of the sub-criteria are not proportional to those of the main criteria. This means the decision-makers have different opinions on the importance of the main criteria. By synthesizing the drivers rating values with the priorities, we obtain the priorities of the car models and the ranks with respect to the goal and synthesized priorities for each main criterion when the C.R. is bounded by the limit (see Table 3). In Case-I and Case-II, the computational methods used are reasonable when the groups consistency is more important than the individual ones. Because the conventional AHP has no choice but to increase the Delphi rounds in order to increase the groups consistency, much effort is required to reduce the C.R. If the Delphi rounds are not sufficiently processed, it is unreliable through the inclusion of inconsistent matrices [12]. Using the Spearman rank correlation test [1], accepting H0 means that the ranks are either uncorrelated or negatively correlated. That is, two decision makers exhibit an insignificant level of agreement in ranking for each criterion. Rejecting H0 means that the ranks are positively correlated. As shown in Table 4, we conclude that there are significant effects between groups since the rate of the H0 acceptance is 83% (65/78 Ãâ€"100). This shows that Case-I is the more appropriate method. It rejects greater agreement between groups. 4. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS Sensitivity analysis allowed us to verify the results of the decision. A sensitivity analysis can be formed to see how sensitive the alternatives are to change with the importance of the criteria. The Expert Choice implementation of AHP provides four graphical sensitivity analysis modes: dynamic, gradient, performance and two-dimensional analysis [4]. Here performance sensitivity analysis is employed. It depicts how well each alternative performs on each criterion by increasing or decreasing the importance of the criteria. In addition to this, each sub-criterion performs on each main criterion by increasing or decreasing the importance of the main criteria. It should be noted that if a criterion is not sensitive, it would be better to eliminate it from the AHP model. In the case of increasing importance of a criterion to the maximum value of 1.0, we assigned the alternative that gained the highest rank to score 5 and the lowest rank to score 1. The value of Model 1 is 25, Model 2 is 21 and Model 3 is 15. In summary, we can conclude Model 1 is the best among the alternatives, although the highest priorities were different in Case-I and Case-II. 5. CONCLUSION This paper presents a decision-making method for selecting the best passenger car models through combining the AHP and a spreadsheet model. The C.R. is used as the decision-makers weights. As an implementation of the AHP, three car models were prioritized. Through the sensitivity analysis, the fact that Model 1 ranked the highest is consistent with the result of the highest market share. References E.H. Forman, T.L. Saaty, M.A. Selly, R. Waldron, Expert Choice, Decision Support Software, McLean, VA, 1983 T.L. Saaty, K. Kearns, Analytical Planning: The Organization of Systems, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1985. Y Wind and T L Saaty, ‘Marketing Applications of Analytic Hierarchy Process,’ Management Science, Vol. 26, No. 7, July 1980

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Affect The Flight Time Of A Balsa Wood Glider Engineering Essay

Affect The Flight Time Of A Balsa Wood Glider Engineering Essay The purpose of the study was to obtain the relation between the flight time and launch height of a balsa glider of different wing area. Also the effect on flight time was recorded by changing the position of wings of the gliders. In the first part of the experiment the gliders were launched from four different height and the flight time was recorded. The experiment was conducted in a closed area in order to avoid the effect of wind. The gliders used were of different size and shape. The net acceleration acting on the gliders was also calculated by plotting a graph between square of flight time and launch height. In the second part of the experiment the wing positions for three different gliders were changed and the flight time was recorded in each of the three gliders. The launch height of the gliders was kept same. It was observed that as the launch height was increased the flight time also increased. The amount of lift could only be analysed by calculating the net acceleration in each of the gliders. The variation in the flight time due to the change in the position of wings was interpreted in terms of the increase in the loops made by the gliders i. e. the instability of the gliders or the moments of wings. Word Count- 221 Table of Contents- Introduction _______________________________________ 4 Theory _______________________________________ 5 Experimental Set up ___________________________________ 9 Method ________________________________________ 10 Result _________________________________________ 12 Conclusion _________________________________________ 22 Limitations ________________________________________ 23 Unresolved Questions _________________________________ 24 Bibliography ______________________________________ 25 Appendix ______________________________________ 26 Introduction: The question about aerodynamics has great importance in todays times and the various factors that affect aerodynamics of an aircraft or a glider is necessary in order to improve the efficiency. By taking up this experiment I have tried to analyse the acting forces on the flight of a glider such as the lift, the drag, and the weight also the theory of projectile motion plays an important role in determining the flight time of a glider. Also keeping in mind the laws of physics that relate to flight and also checking whether they are in accordance with the following experiment. Research Question- How the Wing area and position along with the launch height affect the flight time of a Balsa Wood Glider? The aim of this experiment is to study how the wing area, wing position and the launch height have an impact on the flight time of a balsa glider. In order to establish the above relations balsa gliders of different wing areas were hand launched from different heights and the flight time was recorded. As for the relation with the wing position and flight time they were hand launched as well from a fixed height with different wing positions. Theory The experiment is based on the theory of projectile motion, and fluid mechanics. Projectile Motion- When a body is projected from a certain height with a certain velocity, the acceleration on the body acts only in the downward (along y-axis) direction and the acceleration along the horizontal (x-axis) direction is zero. Since the air resistance also affects the horizontal motion of the body there might be some deceleration, however it is of a very small magnitude hence it can be neglected in the case of my experiment. The same explanation can be taken for the wind; there might be some component of the force (due to wind) which might affect the horizontal motion as well. This is also taken care of in the experiment as it is conducted in closed area. As the initial velocity is in the horizontal direction its vertical component is zero, by taking the vertical motion the flight time of the glider should depend on the height from which it has been launched and the net acceleration in the vertical direction. By varying the height in the experiment the flight time should also vary proportionately. As the height is increased the flight time should also increase. Due to the change in the forces acting on the glider the net acceleration can also change which in turn will affect the flight time. Forces There are three types of forces acting on a glider which are: Weight The weight of the body always acts in the downward direction. The weight of a body dependent on the mass of the glider and gravitational acceleration which can be taken constant for a given space. By Newtons 2nd law of motion, the weight is given by (F = mg) It  is the  force  due to the gravitational attraction of the earth on the  glider. But this force weight, which is the gravitational force, is different from the aerodynamic forces,  lift  and  drag.  The lift and the drag are mechanical forces that will act on the glider only when it is in physical contact with air which generates these forces. The gravitational force or weight is a field force; and is a non-contact force. The gravitational force (weight) between two objects depends on the masses of the two objects and the inverse of the square of the distance between these objects. The more the masses of the objects the stronger is the attraction, and closer the object are the stronger the attraction. Lift Lift is the  force  that acts on a glider upward and helps the glider to stay in the air. The lift on the glider is mainly generated by the wings.  It is an  aerodynamic  force produced by the motion of air flowing through the glider. Lift acts through the  centre of the pressure  of the glider and is in the direction which is normal to the flow of air. Lift occurs when a flow of air is  turned  by the glider. According to Newtons 3rd law of motion the flow of air is turned in one direction, and the lift is generated in the opposite direction. Since air is a  gas  and its molecules are free to move about, any solid can deflect its flow. For an  air foil, both the upper and lower surfaces plays part in turning the flow of air. There can be two types of lift static and dynamic lift. Static lift according to the Archimedes principle whenever a body is immersed in a fluid it experiences an upward force called the buoyant force. The factors on which the buoyant force depends are: The volume of the fluid displaced and; the density of the fluid. If the area of the wings increases the magnitude of the lift should also increase and the net force acting on the glider should also increases which in turn should decrease the net acceleration and hence increase the flight time. Dynamic Lift According to Bernoullis principle; the dynamic lift is due to the difference in pressure on the two sides of the body which is due to the difference in the speed of the air on the two sides of the body. There are various factors that affect lift, these are: Aircraft  wing geometry  has a large effect on the amount of lift generated. The shape and size of the wing will have a significant impact on the amount of lift generated. In order to generate lift there must be some velocity; hence if the object is moved in air then lift will be generated. Lift also depends on the  mass  of the also depends in a major way on the viscosity and compressibility of air. Viscous force or Drag Viscous force is a mechanical force. The drag, like lift, is also produce by the interaction and contact of a solid body with air. For drag to be produce, the solid body must be in contact with the air. If there is no air, there is no drag. Drag is generated by the difference in the speeds of the solid object and the air. There must be relative motion between the object and the air. If there is no relative motion, there is no drag. Viscous force always opposes the motion, hence it will be opposite to the motion of the glider. The most of the factors affecting drag is same as that affecting the lift. The viscous force can be taken as the aerodynamic friction, and one of the sources of this force is the  skin friction  between the molecules of the air and the solid surface of the glider. Since the skin friction is an interaction between a glider and the air, the magnitude of the skin friction depends on properties of both glider surface and air. The smooth, waxed surface of glider will produces less skin friction than a rough surface. And for the air, the magnitude of skin friction depends on the  viscosity  of the air. The relative magnitude of the viscous forces to the motion of the flow of air is called the  Reynolds number. Also the drag can be taken as the aerodynamic resistance to the motion of the object through the air. This source of drag depends on the shape of the glider and is called  form drag. When air flows around a body, the velocity and  pressure around the glide  are changed. The pressure is a measure of the momentum of the air molecules and a change in momentum results in a  force, a change in pressure will produce a force on the body. This component of the aerodynamic force that is opposed to the motion is the drag. Viscous force directly depends on the  mass  of the air flow going past the glider. Effect of Height on Flight time In this experiment there will be 4 heights taken but the height intervals will not be uniform in order to check the trend and see if there is a clear distinction in readings of flight time. As the height increases the flight time should increase as there is more distance to cover for the glider and since there are no forces acting as mentioned above, it is only the height that acts as a factor to change flight time. Wing area In this experiment the wing area should effect the flight time of the gliders as seen earlier, lift has a direct connection with wing area. As the lift increases the glider goes higher in the air thus increasing the flight time. Every glider has a different wing area and this makes a clear distinction between the flight times for the gliders. Wing position The wing position whether towards the front or back determines the stability of the glider while its flight. The more it is to the front of the socket it tends to do be more unstable and has a very loopy flight which increases the flight time. The further behind the wing is in the socket the more stable the glider is as the weight is more towards the centre of mass, making it more stable and also increasing the flight time however whilst a straight and balanced there are other forces acting on the flight that might pull it down to the ground. Experimental Set up Gliders In the initial stages the glider used were made by hand using a template to cut out the parts of the gliders. However these gliders lacked perfect stability and the edges had to be rubbed and smoothened in order to use make them completely aerodynamic. Even after doing so they lacked perfect specification and the material used to make them was not the right material hence they did not glide as required to. The gliders used in the later stages were bought online from These gliders are laser cut and ready to fly. They are made out of balsa wood. There were 3 types of gliders that were used, the parts of the gliders were precisely cut and well balanced in order to obtain a decent flight. The 3 gliders varied differently in shape, size, and weight and wing area. Area The experiment was conducted in a closed environment. The length of the place was approximately 35meters and width approximately 12meters. The wind factor was controlled as all doors and windows were shut and it was an enclosed area. Method: There were various steps that are involved in this experiment. The glider was first flown in an outdoor environment to check the flight. Since the wind factor cannot be controlled in an outdoor environment it was not possible to conduct the experiment outside as this affects the flight time. Hence an indoor area was chosen. Measuring Wing Area The gliders that will be used which each have different shape, size, and wing area. The first variable wing area cannot be measured by a given formula as it is not a uniform shape and cannot be broken into smaller shapes. The wing area will be measured by keeping the entire wing on a graph sheet whose each square area is known and the outline of the wing shape will be sketched out on the graph sheet. After having done this the number of complete squares of the known area that are enclosed by the outline of the wing will be counted. After this the number of incomplete squares and an approximation will have to be made as it is not feasible to calculate area of a fraction of the square. This will be done for each of the three gliders and will be noted down. In order to make sure that the gliders, glide properly without any hindrance and technical difficulty a test flight will be done. If there seem to be any technical problems with any of the three gliders they shall be fixed at first in order to provide accurate and legit readings. If any parts seem to be broken they will be fixed by the special adhesive which is used to stick balsa wood. Launching and Measuring Flight Time Keeping in mind that there are no holders or launching devices provided with these gliders they will have to be launched by the free hand as it is not possible to devise a launch method. This is so because making any alterations to the glider might distort its stability and will cause unequal weight balance. Although launching from the hand will have uncertainties such as different launch force and height it will be controlled as much as possible. In order to make sure the height is constant a plumb line will be taken and held from the comfortable launch height. This plumb line will then be measured in accordance with a metre scale. Every time a glider is launched it will be launched from the same height as the thread will be held at that height while launching the glider. The second height from which it will be launched will be after standing on top of a dining table. The height of the table will be measured by using another plumb line and will be measured in accordance to the metre scale. This height of the table will be added to the initial launch height and then a plumb line of that height will be held while the launch. The fourth height will be from approximately the first floor. The vast interval difference is taken so that there can be a clear trend that can be observed for the flight time. The height of the wall will be measured and then the initial height of the launch will be added to this. The fourth height will be from above a table on the first floor, in order to obtain this height the same step as the one for the table height on the lower level will be used. Taking the readings of the flight time will be done by using a stopwatch. It is not possible for me to do this alone as starting the stopwatch and launching the glider is not possible at the same time hence a little assistance will be required to measure the flight time. The assistant will start recording the flight time as soon as the glider leaves contact with my hand and will stop as soon as the glider touches the ground. These readings will then be recorded in a table. There will be 5 readings taken for each glider at each height. There are two wing positions possible either at the front of the socket or the back. Each gliders wings will be adjusted as front and back and for each position there will be 5 readings taken. Result Flight time for different launch height (Experiment1) Glider A Height (meters) Flight time ( ± 0.01s) Average( ±0.13s) t2(sec2) 1.5 1.64 1.78 1.84 1.81 1.74 3.03 2.24 2.21 2.45 2.53 2.28 2.38 5.68 5.3 3.83 3.94 4.04 3.72 3.91 15.29 6.04 4.81 4.63 4.79 4.84 4.75 22.54 As the height was increased the flight time also increased. Since the glider used was the same and the speed with which it was projected also remained same the lift experienced by the glider did not change. The increase in the time was only due to the increase in height from which the glider was projected. Glider B Height (meters) Flight time ( ± 0.01s) Average ( ±0.13s) t2(sec2) 1.5 1.25 1.5 1.28 1.3 1.32 1.75 2.24 1.54 1.68 1.61 1.59 1.61 2.60 5.3 2.19 1.94 2.4 2.33 2.24 5.02 6.04 2.78 3.01 2.92 2.84 2.87 8.26 The trend between the time of flight and the height of launch was same as in the case of glider A. Glider C Height (meters) Flight time ( ± 0.01s) Average ( ±0.04s) t2(sec2) 1.5 0.93 0.90 1.01 0.94 0.94 0.88 2.24 1.16 1.21 1.24 1.19 1.19 1.43 5.3 1.57 1.59 1.55 1.6 1.57 2.45 6.04 2.1 2.12 2.11 2.15 2.11 4.47 The trend between the time of flight and the height of launch was same as in the case of glider A and B. hence in all the 3 cases it was found that the lift experienced by the gliders did not depend upon the height of projection or the height at which the glider was flying. As seen above in the graph the flight time of the glider is directly proportional to the height from which it has been released i.e. as the height increases the time taken by the glider to touch the ground also increases. According to the equation of motion 2 If we are considering the vertical motion then the initial speed in the vertical direction will be taken as zero then 2. The three forces acting on the glider that is the weight (mg), the drag and the lift are all constant. Since the drag and the lift depend on the speed of the glider it is not changing as the speed in all the cases are constant. The above relation can be made linear by plotting a graph between t2 and h from this graph the net acceleration acting on the glider can be calculated by measuring the slope of the graph. Since: 2. Net acceleration = 2/slope of the curve. Measurement of net acceleration of the glider. Glider A Calculation Net acceleration = 2/slope of the curve. Net acceleration in glider A= = 0.51 m/s2 Glider B Calculation Net acceleration = 2/slope of the curve. Net acceleration in glider B= = 1.62 m/s2 Glider C Calculation Net acceleration = 2/slope of the curve. Net acceleration in glider B= = 3.1 m/s2 The Glider C has the maximum acceleration and Glider A has the least. This also means that Glider C comes to rest much more quickly than Glider A, Glider A also has a longer glide time and this is because of the light weight and wing span that makes it more stable while in flight. Whereas when compared to Glider C the weight is much more and the glider isnt stable enough to stay in air for a long time. The wing area also has a significant impact on this as the more wing area means more lift however when we check Glider C has more wing area but it yet doesnt get enough lift; this explains that this glider needs more thrust when launched in order to stay in air longer than the others. Wing Position (Experiment2) Glider A Wing Position for A Position Flight time ( ± 0.01s) Average ( ±0.11secs) Front 1.72 1.85 1.9 1.68 1.77 1.78 Back 1.56 1.59 1.72 1.6 1.52 1.60 As seen above when the wings of the glider are moved forward the flight time of the glider increases. Glider B Wing Position for B Position Flight time ( ± 0.01s) Average ( ±0.11secs) Front 2.13 2.06 2.24 2.17 2.26 2.17 Back 1.66 1.59 1.63 1.82 1.74 1.69 As in the case of Glider A when the wings of the glider are moved forward the flight time of the glider increases. Glider C Wing Position for C Position Flight time ( ± 0.01s) Average ( ±0.12secs) Front 1.47 1.59 1.61 1.53 1.42 1.52 Back 0.84 0.79 0.94 0.75 1.03 0.87 As in the case of Glider A and B when the wings of the glider are moved forward the flight time of the glider increases. As we can see in the graphs above the time taken for the flight when the wings are in front is more than the flight time for when the wings are pushed backward. This is because the forward wings make the flight of the glider much more unstable and cause it to loop more. The looping increases the time to touch the ground as it causes sudden immediate lift and this also increases the horizontal gliding time. Whereas on the other hand when the wings are pulled back in order to make the flight more stable but there are still other factors like weight, lift and drag that are constantly affecting the flight and causing it to descend. Conclusion: In the first part of the experiment it was found that the flight time increases as the height from where the glider was launched increases. I each of the 3 gliders the lift acting on the glider did not change as the area of the glider remained same. The change in the flight time was only due to the change in the height of the launch. The graph between the height of launch and the square of flight time gave the measure of the net acceleration in case of the 3 gliders which in turn could be interpreted in terms of net force acting on the glider. The measure of net acceleration showed that the lift produced in case of the gliders increased with the wing area. The lift in the case of Glider A was found to be maximum, as it had the maximum wing area. In the second experiment the flight time increased as the wing position was shifted towards the front of the glider. The trend obtained in all the three gliders was the same. The increase in the flight time was due to the increase in lift that made the glider shoot up and loop in the air. As the glider looped in the air the height also increased which in turn increased the flight time. The increase in the loop made by the glider was due to the instability produced by shifting the weight of the wing to the front of the plane. Limitations: There were several limitations while doing this experiment. The first and what can be considered as the most important is the launching technique. This is the most crucial part of this experiment and all the readings depend on this. Due to the fragile bodies of the glider there could be no launching technique devised that would make sure the force on each launch is the same. The lift acting on the glider depends on the speed of the glider; if the launching speed varies it can affect the lift experienced by the glider. Since it is not possible to neither control the force used for each launch nor measure it, it was the biggest drawback. When the experiment was conducted in the open the wind factor had a great impact on the flight of the gliders. The gliders being light and very fragile, the wind outdoor was drifting the gliders into different directions and also slowing them down. This change in path and time was random and unpredictable. Since it was not possible to control the wind the experiment was carried out in a closed environment, yet there was some wind that affected the flight and caused slight deviation in path which could have possibly increased the flight time or even decreased it. Since the gliders were launched several times and had not landing mechanism as well, the rough landing chipped quite a few parts of the gliders that made the flight for the later readings relatively unstable and defective. Unresolved Questions: The effect of projection velocity on the flight time was not clear as the gliders were launched with almost same velocity and force. The speed with which the glider moves effects both the lift on the glider and the drag acting on it. The two forces are very important in deciding the flight of the gliders. By designing a proper launch mechanism the effect of speed or the launch force would had been studied. Also the efficiency of the flight could have been studied by measuring glide ratio i.e. the ratio of the horizontal distance travelled and the loss of height travelled in a given time. Bibliography Books: Giancoli, Douglas C., Physics Principles with Applications, 6th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, NJISBN: 0-13 -184661-2-1. Nelkon, M., and Parker, P., Advanced level Physics, London, Heinemann Educational Books Limited, ISBN 0-435-68636-4 Tsokos, K., A., Physics for the IB Diploma,5th Edition, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 978-0-521-13821-5 Websites:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Key Events Of The Civil Rights Movement Essay -- African-American Civil

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The United States Civil Rights Movement of the 1960's was the centerfold of the 1900's. The Movement came about because not all Americans were being treated fairly. In general white Americans were treated better than any other American people, especially black people. There were many events of the Civil Rights Movement some dealt with black people not getting a fair education. Some events came about because people were advocating that people should be able to practice their American rights. The term paper that you are about to read is composed of events that occurred as apart of the Civil Rights Movements. The events are all in chronological order with the brutal murder of Emmett Till first in order. After that is the story of Arkansas' Central High School's integration. Keeping with the idea of equal education, you will be able read how the University of Mississippi was integrated by James Meredith with the assistance of the U.S. Government. Lastly you will see t he power the Ku Klux Klan had in the deep South, especially Mississippi, with the murder of three members of the Council of Federated Organizations (COFO). These events are just a glimpse of what the Civil Rights Movement truly was. Now here is the strory of young Emmett Till. Emmett Till   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Not knowing the customs of Mississippi was the downfall for young Emmett Till. While visiting family near Money, Mississippi, Emmett Till, age 14, was murdered. Emmett grew up on Chicago's South side, where he was a fun loving child with a bit of a smart mouth. Living in Chicago, Emmett knew of segregation but had white play mates. On one occasion he had showed his cousins a picture of a white girl and had told them that she was his girl. His friends were some what impressed and had dared Emmett to speak to a white woman who was inside of the store, that they were standing in front of. Emmett went in and bought some candy and as he left, he said to the woman, "Bye-baby." That would be the biggest mistake of his life. When the woman's husband got back from out of town, there was trouble for Emmett. The woman's husband, Roy Bryant, and her brother, J.W. Milam, paid a visit to the cabin of Mose Wright, Emmett's grandfather. The white men did not listen to Mose Wrights suggestion that since Emmett was not from Mississippi, that they may just whip him. Instead, the men ki... ... allowed by the police chief to be beaten for about fifteen minutes in Anniston, Alabama. Furthermore, I was not able to mention the end of "separate but equal" with the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the case Brown vs. Board of Education. Inclusion to this paper I hope that you have enhanced your knowledge of the Civil Rights Movement. RESOURCES: Events of the Civil Rights Movement Books   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Johnson, Jacqueline. Stokely Carmichael: The Story of Black Power. Silver Burdett Press, Inc., a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ,1990.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Hornsby and Straub. African American Chronology. Volume I: 1492-1972. Gale Research International Limited., Detroit, Michigan, 1994.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Editors of Ebony. Ebony Pictorial History of Black America. Volume III: Civil Rights Movement to Black Revolution. Johnson Publishing Company, Inc., Chicago, Illinios, 1974. Television Program   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  "The Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History." Narr. ?. Writ. and Prod.?. History Channel, March 11, 2000. Internet   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Lythgoe, Dennis. Desert News, February 26, 1997. Address:

Friday, July 19, 2019

Sensationalism - Sensation Novels of the Nineteenth Century Essay

Sensationalism - Sensation Novels of the Nineteenth Century The "sensation novels"  began to appear during the mid-to-late 1800's.   The term first used by W. M. Thackeray, in his own Cornhill Magazine, was in reference to "a particular literary or dramatic phenomenon."  Ã‚   Courtroom scenes, corpses, secrets, adultery, insanity and prostitution were all staples of the novel's plot that would offer the many unexpected twists and turns of the story.   The author's goal was to have the reader feel basic sensations-shock, disbelief, horror, suspense, sexual excitement, and fear.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There are several reasons why sensation novels became so popular with Victorian society, and especially women, during this time period.   Urbanization and industrialization were changing the face of the countryside by creating more and more big cities.   This type of   novel was a welcomed escape from the emergence of industry and capitalism in England and America.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Even though the times were changing, women were still expected to be subservient to men.   They did not enjoy the freedom to vote or to own property.   Because it is the Victorian era, they are still expected to control their emotions in front of men and to be supportive at all times.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   As women started to shun this role, it was reflected in the sensation novel.   The female became a strong character in these books.  Ã‚   Female sexuality was used to show strength, rebelliousness and evil.   They were often portrayed as seductresses and villains who would be punished by the ending of the book.   Females were no longer the victim waiting to be rescued.   The sensation novel reversed male and female roles with the man many times being victimized.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   These novels with thei... ...the strong female characters, his name was associated with both the male and female groups of authors. Sources Law, Graham.   Serializing Fiction in the Victorian Press.   London:   Palgrave, 2000. Hughes, Winifred.   The Maniac in the Cellar.   New Jersey:   Princeton University Press, 1980. Miller, D.A.   The Novel and the Police.   Los Angeles:   University of California Press, 1988. Boyle, Thomas.   Black Swine in the Sewers of Hampstead.   New York:   Viking Penguin, 1989. James, Henry.   Notes and Reviews.   Cambridge:   Dunster House, 1921. Gaskell, Elizabeth.   Mary Barton.   Oxford:   Oxford University Press, 1987. Nineteenth-Century Literature Criticism, Vol. 80. Mansel, Henry. "Sensations Novels." Quarterly Review 113 (April 1863):   251-68.    Websites

digital photography artists :: essays research papers

Famous Digital Artists   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Jody Dole is one of the featured artists in the book â€Å"Digital Image Creation†. He is a fine-art and advertising photographer. His first successful piece was an ad campaign for Smirnoff Vodka. In five years he was able to become a successful, well=known artist, gaining international recognition for his still-life photography.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Nash Editions is a company built up of artists. Its founders are Graham Nash and Mac Holbert. The company has the best reputation within the fine-art digital printmaking world. The reason for this is because they use their own custom built scanner along with Macintosh computer systems and iris printers. Some of Nash Editions featured artists are David Byrne, Eileen Cowin, Carol Flax and Olivia Parker. Nash Editions is constantly staying up to date with their state-of-the-art technology and with the creativity of their staff.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another famous digital photographer is Charly Franklin. He specializes in a surreal style. Most of his images are of landscapes, and a lot take place on the beach. At first, Frankin had to set up elaborate sets to get the desired image, but with the technological advances with computer programs, he is now able to do most of his work on the computer. Every image he has produced since 1991 has been digitally manipulated. His work is in high demand, by corporate companies, and some of it has been published in Communications Arts, Print, Photo Metro and even on the cover of Graphics Design Annual.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The last artist we researched is Joyce Neimanas. Joyce is a member of the faculty at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago since 1973. Her work has been in the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, the California Museum of Photography and many others.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Psychosocial Orientation to Sexuality Essay

Environment has always been one of the major factors affecting our decisions and personality. Psychologists say its either â€Å"nurture† or â€Å"nature† which determines our personalities as we grow up. Nevertheless, our sexuality is also part of who we are. How we act or think in regard to sexual issues is also developed as we mature into adolescents. Various social factors affect a person’s sexuality. Primarily, it is the parents’ responsibility to make sure that their children are properly educated about sex. As a kid, I was oriented by my parents and older relatives that sex is a process designed by the heavens to unite married couples so they can procreate. As a young Christian, I have this notion that I was conceived by this process and only couples who were united by marriage have the permission from God to perform them. Talking about sex at home was actually limited if not restricted. There was a certain uneasiness enveloping the ones belonging in a conversation where a I would suddenly bring it up. It was awkward in a way that my parents believed I was not ready yet to comprehend the real nature of sex. However, I guess sexuality is an inescapable issue amongst children who are beginning to notice changes and differences between their private parts and their playmates’. A friend of the opposite sex definitely has dissimilar body parts than me. It has always been fun to explore and observe friends’ parts especially when it is in a group. Of course, not until we reached the 11th year of our age. Suddenly, things were getting too awkward for us. My playmates were starting to get aloof. Others have stopped invitations to look and some just plainly said, â€Å"My mom said they’re private. † How the privacy of such thing has never occurred to me until I was able to see certain pars of my body grow. Most of my physical parts were getting weirder each day and they did not feel comfortable at all. One of the huge factors which influence my sexuality is the depiction of sex in the television. Media have absolutely bombarded me with concepts that are in direct contrast to my early education of sex. Television series, movies, reality shows, magazines and even anime shows are transparent in portraying sexual activities as normal between two people in a relationship. Sometimes even same-sex relationships. Pornography is also widespread in our society today which I believe has a great impact on the fact that teenagers today in America are sexually active. In my case, it is reasonable to admit that I have my shares of hidden fantasies and desires but one good thing that I am proud of is that I am able to control them in a decent way. Religion also plays a major part in expressing one’s sexuality. It is widely know that Christianity does not allow couples outside marriage to have sexual intercourse. Pre-marital sex is a sin and is not tolerated by the Church. Contraceptives are also not encouraged therefore, if I were to ask how I think religion has affected my sexuality; I would claim that it did not lessen or eliminate my sexual desires rather it remained as a mere reason to control it and repress it. The topic of sexuality is widespread among religious, social and political debates. It comprises of a general idea which is too sensitive to be disregarded easily. However, I believe that one has his/her own rights towards his/her sexuality but are limited to what the law constitutes. A person can be gay, lesbian or bisexual but the mere idea that a person’s sexuality is being developed and identified with different names shows that it is a psychological issue that needs to be studied more thoroughly. It is a subject too complex that must also be given enough education and protection from families and authorities.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Contractors in the Military Essay

Going back in cartridge clip to the Civil War, esoteric asserters can be found, providing game, logistics, and supplies to the military forces. If you think ab expose like a shots military bases and approaching the app arnt move manpowert gate that do you infer? easy the first person you find iodinself is a private security guard stand there waiting to welcome you to fort whatever. Why dont you see a multitude law officer standing there? Simple chief right, well it isnt beca ingestion the armed services is press release more and more towards a civil waste to the woods force. What does going to basically non fightingant bunk force do for those men and women that serve in the United avers Military right away? Is the establishment really devising the right choice by continue to mathematical function private affirmers back shoes and abroad in war zones today? That is where this paper is going to search out the causes and effects of the use of private contract ors or civil work force in todays Military. Todays Military bases ar flooded with noncombatant work force works for the government as private contractors.The Government today is understanding at for anyway to cut Military compute and save money. But is using the civilian workforce saving money? tumefy lets talk somewhat those security guards at the front gate, lets say the guard is betwixt a GS 1-3 the average pay for them ar seventeen kilobyte to twenty eight-spot thousand a year. without delay look at an Army Military Police Officer e-1 through e-3 which is equivalent to the GS 1-3 the salary for that e-1 through e-3 is between seventeen thousand to twenty thousand dollars a year. So from that modest simile using a private workforce really isnt saving anyone any money. Let me cue you that doesnt include years in service. Because more time in the GS ranks you wangle more money faster. But for that enlisted pass his money caps after so umteen years. But everywhere you go you see more and more civilian workforce so there must be a positive cheek to having civilians work alongside with the Military agencies.Having private contractors work alongside with the Military can take some stress off of units that are deployed down range in combat zones. Those units can focus on their missions at hand and can cuss on logistical support and personnel support from basically private security forces downrange. For the State Department, armed contractors likewise perform a variety of security tasks(Isenberg 2009). In comparison to past contradicts the United States was involved in like Gulf War one in which the dimension was one contractor to fifty eight service men. Now lets jump to the Bosnia conflict where the ration jumped to one to fifth teen. then(prenominal) you look at Iraq War which the ratio dropped to one to six. So the use of the contractor is becoming more evident in armed conflict zones. So many an(prenominal) channels that the Military gives to the private sector are specific jobs or a semiprecious skill that is a specific task. So by giving those specific jobs to contractors in war zones allows the military to provide victuals abilities on forward bases.Then you have a bun in the oven to look at the expectant side of those private contractors, with the likes of Black Water, and Triple cover(Cotton 2010). Those two companies have been involved in many altercations that put a bad taste in commonwealths mouth about private companies functional in war zones. Each participation did many things that caused a lot of crisis for match service members era they were deployed in ill places. These companies go to do a job get p maintenance more by our United States Government then goes and does antagonistic acts against the other country, that puts many other masses not just service members in harm way. So why should the defence pay people like this? advantageously that is just the great debate.So with the gove rnment in war still in Afghanistan, why do we continue to rely on so many private companies, well that is because of those vital assets those people offer. So if the government would put a little more faith in the Military Services we have and train. We could start working on the costs of what is spent while we are at war. Even though it would be great to limit the use of contractors, the use of the contractors just needs to be limited in certain ways. restrict using the ones that are needed to help oneself in logistical support and aid in missions to assist. Try and stop the use of the ones in war zones running missions could amend on the government spending, let those people that serve in the Military view as running those missions, because that is what enlisted do serve our country. plant life CitedISENBERG, DAVID. Shadow Force. Westport, CT Praeger Publishers, 2009. Praeger Security world(prenominal) Online. 1 Jan 2013.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Functional requirement Essay

Functional requirement Essay

Prerequisites are categorized in many of ways.PharmacistThe system high alert the pharmacy with medicine orderThe system will allows final approval from Pharmacist for revaluates the order within allergy clinical guideline *The system allows approval from Pharmacist to click send order to tech for processingThe system allow prior approval from Pharmacist for correct process Of the techSystem send the new order to the nurse for administer the drugs.4. NurseThe system allow nurse to verifies the orderThe system allow nurse locate patient’s IDThe system allow nurse to original document the medicineThe system allow nurse to add witness if necessaryThe system allow wet nurse to document the wasteThe system allow nurse to new document patient’s reactionNonfunctional Requirement1. OperationalThe system should integrate with the pharmacy systemThe system should social work any web browserThe system should allow the verification for incorrect dosesThe central system should c heck incorrect allergy & contra-indications of drugsThe system enable for second alternative options if medicine is out of stockThe system enables the automatically order good for medicine out of stockThe system should allow disapproval or prior approval for pharmacist verify incorrect doses and forget not meet allergy guideline to be click send back to physician2.Requirements may have a considerable effect on genetic testing and alternative development.Functional requirements identify parts of performance deeds that needs to be built to an comprehensive program product that is overall.

Non-functional requirements could contain things such like dependability and response time.Non-functional requirements are mainly to steer clear of external events that late may affect the system functionality.Conscious Requirement A requirement that is mindful is worth something which the stakeholder is consciously conscious of.A functional demand has number a own name summary and a rationale.

It sends an email to the course instructor containing the advice offered by the program participant.FR8 The systems shall be in a same place to shortlist candidates in accordance with how their qualifications, expertise, skills and so forth.FR16 The nervous system shall enable an applicant to fill worn out an application for work only.Of course, to be aware that it complies with all NFRs, it has to be analyzed.

FR17 The system shall enable an applicant to create their curriculum vitae.Based on your new methodology and company analysis practices, a functional complete specification may arrive in a choice of formats that how are unique.Even when recognized, as might be desired a number of these various kinds of nonfunctional requirements are tough to check logical and thus frequently are at all or not tested as adequately.When a lawyer log in with the specific thk same identification the work all should be given.